DUNBLANE 01786 823397 AUCHTERARDER 01764 662316
Sports & safety
We supply the best eye protection solution for any activity - work or play.
In sports, from swimming and cycling to extreme skiing, we can offer you prescription and non prescription protective eyewear to meet your needs.
We can also offer a range of protective goggles for football, hockey, and many other field and indoor contact sports. Sizes available from age 6 and upwards.
There are also speciality wraps and spectacles for target shooting featuring a number of prescription sports based brands.
Our range of corrective lenses use some of the latest impact resistant materials including Trivex and Polycarbonate, we can add treatments like polarisation and specialist contrast filters as required.
We supply safety spectacles which meet current European safety standards and offer individual advice on lens material and frame suitability.
Whatever your activity we have a solution for you.